Sustainability at AGU

Category: Online Meeting

The Orientation Meeting With New Students

An online graduate orientation program was organized for students enrolled in 12 different graduate programs within the Graduate School of Engineering & Science in the Spring Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year.Along with the new students, vice deans Dr. Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU, Dr. Fatih ORTAKCI and Graduate School Secretary Burhan KABATAŞ attended to the orientation program.In the first part, students were informed about AGU's graduate education vision, research culture and graduate academic competencies.In the second part, general information was given to the students about the academic process, educational processes and the opportunities offered by the Graduate School. The program, which was carried out interactively with the students, ended with the wishes of a successful and healthy graduate education and research life.

Psychology Around the World

AGU Department of Psychology students has come together with Glasgow Caledonian University Scotland UK, and the University of Balearic Island’s psychology students online, as a program “Psychology Around the World, organized by Abdullah Gül University, Department of Psychology. As part of the program, AGU psychology students have had a chance to interact with their counterparts in different regions of the world and have exchanged their opinions about getting psychology education in English, job opportunities in their countries, and what kind of issues psychology as a discipline struggling with within their countries. They have also conducted interviews about psychology education in their country and have learnt how to analyze interviews with qualitative analysis methodologies. 

Career Talks Series

Lecturer Dr. Serap Sap took part in the Career Talks series organized by the AGU Career office. As a MEB scholarship holder, she shared her experiences on master's and doctoral duration in England. Students who missed the event can access the event recording on AGU TV's youtube channel.