Sustainability at AGU

Category: Research

Field Study

Assoc. Prof. Buket METİN, Lecturer Bahar ELAGÖZ TİMUR and Assist and R.A  Dr. Özlem KEVSEROĞLU from the Faculty of Architecture conducted on-site examinations and field research in Divriği district of Sivas.

Field Study

Assoc. Prof. Hayriye Nisa SEMİZ and R. A. İrem BAZ conducted on-site examinations and field research in the old Doğanbey village, which is located within the boundaries of the registered protected area of Aydın's Söke district.


Zeynep Murat, who is at the stage of her doctoral program in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Middle East Technical University, was decided unanimously to be assigned to METU, in accordance with the opinion of the thesis advisor,  for 89 days between 30.05.2022 - 26.08.2022 as a paid-leave due to the problems experienced in the field research, planned face-to-face interviews and driver simulation experiments within the scope of her doctoral thesis during the pandemic process,   in order to continue data collection studies that will provide input to simulation programs and to carry out driver simulation experiments including samples from the city of Ankara due to the problems 

Application of classical and advanced architectural documentation techniques in the stone masonry traditional structure in Ağırnas

On April 1, 8 and  14, 2022, within the scope of the ARCA 301 Architectural Survey & Documentation course conducted by Assist. Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz and Teach. Assist. Bahar Elagöz Timur, field studies were conducted in which classical and advanced architectural documentation techniques were applied in the stone masonry traditional building located in Ağırnas.

Documentation studies in the buildings connected to the Mimar Sinan House

On April 1 and April 8, 2022, within the scope of the ARCH 332 Conservation Theory & Practice course and the students' conservation project studies  conducted by Assist Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz and Assist. Prof. Dr. Vacide Betül Kurtuluş, documentation studies were carried out on the buildings connected to the Mimar Sinan House located in Ağırnas. 

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute

Dr. Özkan Fidan was assigned to join the research group in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute at TUBITAK Marmara Research Center to build collaboration for vaccine research, which is one of the main targets of SDG 3 to prevent communicable diseases.