Sustainability at AGU

Category: SDG 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities

Reflection of Memory; Kaleiçi Archeology Museum

As part of the AGUARCH Lecture Series, Kadir Uyanık gave a seminar on the conservation and sustainability of historical sites.

SDG Training for Classroom Teachers

21 classroom teachers from Kayseri and neighboring provinces were given a 5-day training supported by Tübitak on the role and importance of SDG in education and how to deliver SDG education.

Participation in International Cooperation Meeting

Assoc. Prof. Ömer Devrim AKSOYAK from the Faculty of Architecture participated in the meeting held in Brussels at the invitation of Social Human Association real Exchange (SHARE) ASBL for the Network Development For Advenced Design Between European Universities (Netdesign) Project training and cooperation meetings within the scope of Partnerships for Excellence - European Universities - Erasmus-Edu 2023-Eur-Univ call.

Participation in the Meeting of the Concrete Cultural Heritage Specialization Committee of the UNESCO Turkish National Commission

Assoc. Prof. Ömer Devrim Aksoyak from Department of Architecture  participated in the meeting of the Unesco National Commission of Turkey Specialized Committee on Tangible Cultural Heritage, of which he is a member.

Erasmus Staff Teaching Mobility

Assoc. Prof. Buket METİN from the Department of Architecture has been assigned to give lectures at Politecnico di Bari (Italy) within the scope of "2020 Mobility for Higher Education Students and Staff" Erasmus Projects.

Technical Visit

 Assoc. Prof. Devrim AKSOYAK,  Assoc. Prof. Özlem KEVSEROĞLU and R.A Aslıhan ATILGAN organized a technical trip to Istanbul within the scope of the “ARCH 311” coded “Urban Studies” course for the students of the Department of Architecture in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Field Study

Assoc. Prof. Buket METİN, Lecturer Bahar ELAGÖZ TİMUR and Assist and R.A  Dr. Özlem KEVSEROĞLU from the Faculty of Architecture conducted on-site examinations and field research in Divriği district of Sivas.

Field Study

Assoc. Prof. Hayriye Nisa SEMİZ and R. A. İrem BAZ conducted on-site examinations and field research in the old Doğanbey village, which is located within the boundaries of the registered protected area of Aydın's Söke district.

III International Congress of Ottoman Studies

Associate Prof. Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU from the Faculty of Architecture, participated in the III International Congress of Ottoman Studies held in Istanbul in order to share the findings of the research within the scope of the TÜBİTAK research project carried out by Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU.


Zeynep Murat, who is at the stage of her doctoral program in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Middle East Technical University, was decided unanimously to be assigned to METU, in accordance with the opinion of the thesis advisor,  for 89 days between 30.05.2022 - 26.08.2022 as a paid-leave due to the problems experienced in the field research, planned face-to-face interviews and driver simulation experiments within the scope of her doctoral thesis during the pandemic process,   in order to continue data collection studies that will provide input to simulation programs and to carry out driver simulation experiments including samples from the city of Ankara due to the problems 

Professional studies on lighting design

Faruk Uyan gave a seminar at the seminar we organized to support thesis studies and thesis processes for our students who are conducting their graduate studies in the field of Building and Construction Technologies.Dr . Faruk Uyan gave us information about the master's and doctoral studies he completed in the field of lighting design, as well as his professional studies on lighting design, which he continues with international success.

Unknown Practices in Architecture

On April 12, 2022, Master Architect Sezer Bahtiyar as a guest of the ARCH422 Professional Practice & Ethics course conducted by Assist. Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz and Teach. Assist. Ayşegül Kıdık,  made a presentation titled “Unknown Practices in Architecture”.

Application of classical and advanced architectural documentation techniques in the stone masonry traditional structure in Ağırnas

On April 1, 8 and  14, 2022, within the scope of the ARCA 301 Architectural Survey & Documentation course conducted by Assist. Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz and Teach. Assist. Bahar Elagöz Timur, field studies were conducted in which classical and advanced architectural documentation techniques were applied in the stone masonry traditional building located in Ağırnas.

Documentation studies in the buildings connected to the Mimar Sinan House

On April 1 and April 8, 2022, within the scope of the ARCH 332 Conservation Theory & Practice course and the students' conservation project studies  conducted by Assist Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz and Assist. Prof. Dr. Vacide Betül Kurtuluş, documentation studies were carried out on the buildings connected to the Mimar Sinan House located in Ağırnas. 

"What is the Architecture with the Examples from the Past and Present"

On April 1, 2022, within the scope of the eTwinning project named “Understanding Mimar Sinan”, the presentation titled "What is the Architecture with Examples from the Past and Present" was held by Assist. Prof. Dr. Nisa Semiz for 6-11 years old primary school students as online.

Seminar on 'Kayseri Transportation Master Plan'

A seminar was organized by Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality within the scope of ARCH302 Architectural Design IV course on 14.04.2022. In the seminar on the ‘Kayseri Transportation Master Plan’ organized by Ali Ülker from the Directorate of Studies and Projects, students were informed about the planning of public transportation lines in Kayseri, strategic studies, decision factors. According to the decision taken by the Ministry of Transport, the location of the YHT train station has been changed and information about the current situation has been provided.

AYDA Awards 2022

The theme of this year's AYDA Awards, which has been organized by Nippon Paint for 14 years, is “CONVERGENCE: Pressing the Reset Button”. Monday July 25, 2022 is the deadline for the application and submission of the competition, which is organized in two separate categories as ”Architecture“ and ”Interior Architecture" and in two stages (National and International). Within the scope of AYDA Awards 2022, the national winner of both categories has the chance to compete with the award-winning participants of other countries and get the chance to win the title of “International Grand Winner” and get an education at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Conservation Talks

In the first of the "Conservation Talks" organized by AGU Architecture, Department of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Prof. Zeynep Ahunbay gave a seminar titled "Sinan the Architect and World Heritage"information and she gave information on the works of Sinan the Architect in the status of world heritage in Istanbul and abroad, and their current state.

Technical Trip

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu and Ress. Asisst. Seda Nehir Gümüşlü from the Faculty of Architecture of AGU,  were assigned between 21.05.2022-22.05.2022 with the students whose names are attached the list for a technical trip to Boğazkale, Yazılıkaya, Alacahöyük and the center of Çorum located within the borders of Çorum province and including the archeological remains of Hittite Period within the scope of the course "ARCH 132 coded Architectural Theory and History I" 

Technical Trip

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu and Ress. Assist. İlinur Can were assigned for a technical trip to Ankara between 14.05.2022-15.05.2022 with the framework of the course of "Architectural Theory and History III coded ARCH 232 " with the students whose names are listed in the attached list for the purpose of examining works of different periods and making presentations. 

7th Urban Research Congress

Dr. Instructor Member Hayriye Nisa SEMİZ participated in the 7th Urban Research Congress held in Ankara with her acceptance field paper titled “Transformation of Fener-Balat Historical Urban Quarters and Evaluation of Current Conservation”.

Technical Trip

Within the scope of the "ARCH 132" coded "Architectual Theory "History I" course, Dr. Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU and Dr. Seda Nehir GÜMÜŞLÜ made a technical trip  to Boğazkale, Alacahöyük, Yazılıkaya and Çorum Center which houses the Hittite Period Archaeological remains

Assignment for Technical Tour

Within the scope of the course "Architectural Theory and History III” with the code “ARCH 232” in the Department of Architecture in order to increase the knowledge and experience of students and to study works of different eras and to make presentations, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU and Res. Assist. İlinur CAN was commissioned to make a technical trip to Ankara Province within the list of participants determined between 14.05.2022 and 15.05.2022.

Assignment for Technical Tour

Within the scope of the course "Architectural Theory and History III” with the code “ARCH 232” in the Department of Architecture in order to increase the knowledge and experience of students and to study works of different eras and to make presentations, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdem TOZOĞLU and Res. Assist. İlinur CAN was commissioned to make a technical trip to Ankara Province within the list of participants determined between 14.05.2022 and 15.05.2022.

Evaluation of the Urban Change/Transformation Concept in the Scope of the EU Green Deal

On 14.04.2022, the series of public educational seminars of Abdullah Gul University (AGU) continued with a publication on the theme of urban renewal. In the fourth seminar of the series, which was held live (online) from YouTube, Faculty of Architecture Faculty Member Dr. Ömer Devrim Aksoyak gave a seminar on ”Evaluation of the Concept of Urban Change/Transformation within the Scope of the EU Green Deal". Dr. Aksoyak explained the concepts of urban transformation/change at the seminar.Giving various examples of applications from the world and our country related to urban change and transformation processes, Dr. Aksoyak also touched upon the Green Memorandum, which is an important part of the European Union's strategy to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Building with Straw

On April 12, 2022, Mattihieu Peddergana shared his experiences and story on natural structures with us as part of the ARCD 203 "Alternative Construction Methods” elective course.

Conservation Talks

In the first of the "Conservation Talks" organized by AGU Architecture, Department of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Prof. Zeynep Ahunbay gave a seminar titled "Sinan the Architect and World Heritage"  and she gave information on the works of Sinan the Architect in the status of world heritage in Istanbul and abroad, and their current state. 

The Invention and Celebrating of National Holidays in the Process of Building a Nation State: Spatial Manifestations of Ceremonial Legitimacy in Istanbul and Ankara

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu from the Department of Architecture, was assigned in order to present his accepted paper entitled "The Invention and Celebrating of National Holidays in the Process of Building a Nation State: Spatial Manifestations of Ceremonial Legitimacy in Istanbul and Ankara" at the international conference to be organized by the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) in Pittsburg, United States on condition that travel, accomodation and transportation expenses covered by TUBITAK 3501 Project Budget referring 39 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.

Jury Assignment

Referring to the agenda request letter dated 01.04.2022 and numbered 31156 of the Faculty of Architecture; Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer Devrim AKSOYAK who works in the Department of Architecture Design and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture, was assigned to take part in 'graduation project' course evaluation jury of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Yeşim Kösten (MIM 402) from the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Kocaeli University.  According to Article 39 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, it was unanimously decided that he would be assigned to Kocaeli University on 15.04.2022, 13.05.2022 and 09.06.2022 without any traveling expenses. 

Rammed Earth Workshop

Tuesday March 15, 2022, AGU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture held Rammed Earth Workshop within the scope of 'ARCD 203 Alternative Construction Methods' that is Spring Semester elective course. 

Historic Urban Landscape Focused Area Management Plan Approach in Conservation of Cultural Heritage

At the Wednesday Seminars organized by MSGSÜ City and Regional Planning Department, AGU Architecture Department Dr. Instructor Member Ömer Devrim Aksoyak was the guest with the #doctoral theme. The seminar titled  "Historic Urban Landscape Focused Area Management Plan Approach in Conservation of Cultural Heritage" can be watched on Wednesday Seminars Youtube Channel on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:00. 

Integration and Socialization in Humanitarian Response

The following guest of 'AGU Faculty of Architecture Lecture Series’ events’ will be Burak Özkan on 10.03.2022, Thursday. The seminar entitled ‘Integration and Socialization in Humanitarian Response’ will take place atAmbar Building BA002, 16:00.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Program: Learn and Teach

Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, was accepted from the training program named “DOES IT MAKE SENSE?  How to foster critical thinking in young people”. Among the main aims of the training program is to provide future employees, leaders and educators with the knowledge that will increase their awareness of the world they live in, to equip them with personal and group-based critical thinking skills and skills, to make their voices heard more in global events and to play an active role by becoming more visible in the media.

AURA Istanbul's Spring 22 Term Certificate Program

Dr. Ömer Devrim AKSOYAK was appointed as an executive/consultant in Research Based Design Studios within the scope of "AURA Istanbul's Spring 22 Term Certificate Program".

Producing Innovative Idea Projects for Researching the Quality of Life with an Urban Acupuncture Approach in Çayırova District

Res. Asst. Dr. Ahmet BAŞ was appointed as a researcher in the project themed "Producing Innovative Idea Projects for Researching the Quality of Life with an Urban Acupuncture Approach in Çayırova District" implemented by the Gebze Technical University Technology Transfer Office.

Consultancy Service

AGU Faculty of Architecture Res. Asst. Dr. Ahmet BAŞ provides consultancy services to Aydoğdu Planning Eng. Ins. Petrol and Natural Gas Industry. Trade Ltd. in Istanbul on Fridays of the week, between 25.02.2022 and 25.08.2022, within the scope of the "Transportation Routes and Planning in Rural Areas" project.

SIE550 Urban Geology Course

Within the scope of this course, the basic information of geology and the geographical structure of the city will be covered, geological and geographical analysis of urban settlements by revealing the effects of analysis methods will be discussed.

Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education

The Department of Architecture of Abdullah Gül University (AGU) and District Governorship of Avanos co-organized "Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education" at Avanos Güray Museum as part of the project "Düşyeri Avanos" (Dreamland Avanos).Prof. Burak Asiliskender, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Sinan Akyüz, and Dr. Sümeyra Ayık discussed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on education.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), implemented by the UN, are a universal call to eradicate poverty, save the planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. In this line, the 17 goals tackle the universal needs holistically. Besides building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals, they address new priorities and areas, such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, and peace and justice.

GLOBAL 205.02 - Sustainable Cities and Communities Course

Bekir Hakan Aksebzeci gave the GLOBAL 205.02 - "Sustainable Cities and Communities" course. The course is related to SDG 11. Within the scope of this course, there were 2 guest speakers in January:Ülkü Özeren talked about Sustainable Transport and her experience in sustainable cities concept. She has many years of experience in net-zero waste, net-zero carbon projects in the national and international areas. She graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering in 1997 and graduated from the Environmental Engineering Master's program in 1997. She has set up all requirements/ standards for all environmental, social, biodiversity, wildlife management for Istanbul New Airport Project starting from design to operation phases. She has set up international environmental and sustainability standards for all these activities of the Istanbul Airport Project. She has also worked in developing projects for net-zero waste and net-zero carbon targets for Istanbul Airport. In her previous duties, she also worked for many national and international institutions and companies; in the fields of environment and energy efficiency and environmental management.Assoc. Prof Pelin Alpökin shared her experience in sustainable transport. She graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering in 1995, and graduated from the Transportation Engineering Master's program in 1998. She received his doctorate from Nagoya University in 2005. She has been working as a lecturer at Istanbul Technical University since 2008. She continues her academic studies on "Railway engineering and policies", "Transportation planning", "Finance models in infrastructure investments", "Infrastructure construction contract management", "International construction contracts" and has many international publications. As of 19 July 2019, she was appointed as the Head of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Rail System Department. She is fluent in Japanese and English.

Development of Models and Solution Methodologies for Tree-Shaped p-Hub Median and Capacitated p-Hub Median Problems

Our doctoral student Betül Kayışoğlu has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, entitled "Development of Models and Solution Methodologies for Tree-Shaped p-Hub Median and Capacitated p-Hub Median Problems". The application areas of the problems ‘multiple allocation tree of hubs location problem’ and ‘multiple allocation arc capacitated hub location problem’ that we study in this dissertation range from the optimization of fiber internet backbone to the exact configuration of the physical road network of the transportation networks of the cargo companies, from the improvement of computer or wireless communication networks to the establishment of smart electricity, water or gas distribution networks in the most efficient way, from efficient airway and railway transportation systems to smart public transportation systems with different transportation modes. These problems are directly applicable to a wide range of systems that serve to achieve two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely, ‘building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation’ and ‘making cities and human settlements inclusive, resilient and sustainable’. According to these two goals, it is utmost importance that urban and public transportation systems, gas, water and electricity distribution systems, and telecommunication network systems are smart, resilient and sustainable. Moreover, we propose a new modelling approach for these problems that allows us to use the structure of the real physical network directly in the formulation of the problems. This approach provides more flexibility in modeling several characteristics of real-life hub networks. The developed models will find more application areas because they better represent real life problems. Moreover, one main challenge arising in real-life applications is the problem size. Mostly it is not possible to solve them with the standard optimization softwares. However, we are able to solve large-size problems that arise in real life with our proposed solution methodologies. To sum up, the modelling approach and solution methodologies that we propose for our problems will help to achieve the goals of building resilient infrastructure, sustainable transportation systems, sustainable cities and human settlements.

TUBITAK 1001 Project

S. Bengisu Akkurt has been working as a research assistant on TUBITAK 1001 Project titled “How to Promote Cooperation in Resource Scarcity? The Regulatory Role of Intuitive/Analytical Thinking”.

Global 301: Sustainability Course

Dr. Bilge Yalçındağ and Adar Cem Lağap have reviewed the final prototypes of students related to the SDG goals, as a part of Global 301: Sustainability Course. 

GLB 301 "Sustainability" Course

In January 2022, was given GLB 301 "Sustainability" course in Economics Department.The course had a team of several lecturers and addressed a variety of SDG goals.A group of students worked o the sustainable consumption of water, heating energy, electricity, transport and garbage.