Sustainability at AGU

Category: SDG 16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

SDG 16 for GLB 104

Damla Taşkın, Senior UNHRC Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Officer, gave a speech about SDG 104 at the GLB 16 lecture she attended as a guest.

Local Autonomy and Central Government

A seminar on “Local Autonomy and Central Government” was held by the Faculty of Architecture of Abdullah Gul University (AGU) and the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.Seminar was given by Prof. Dr. Ruşen Keleş, city scientist, academician and writer. Prof. Keleş explained the concepts of local autonomy and central government by giving various examples at the seminar.The Rector Prof. Dr. Cengiz Yilmaz, academicians, administrative staff and students, as well as guests from different universities attended the seminar with interest.Prof. Keleş visited Rector Yılmaz at his office before the seminar.

A Book Has Been Released Including A Chapter Co-Authored By Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, Research Assistant of AGU Department of Psychology!

The book "Examining Complex Intergroup Relations Through the Lens of Turkey" has been released, and it includes a chapter co-authored by Sümeyra Bengisu Akkurt, one of the research assistants of the AGU Department of Psychology. The book, edited by Dr Hüseyin Çakal and Dr Shenel Husnu, looks at the context of Turkey, which is home to a diverse range of social, ethnic, and religious groups, through the lens of social and political psychology. We congratulate Bengisu on her contribution to the chapter titled "Missing the good old days or connecting to the globe: Investigating out-group attitudes through collective nostalgia and global identification" in this excellent book.

Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education

The Department of Architecture of Abdullah Gül University (AGU) and District Governorship of Avanos co-organized "Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education" at Avanos Güray Museum as part of the project "Düşyeri Avanos" (Dreamland Avanos).Prof. Burak Asiliskender, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Sinan Akyüz, and Dr. Sümeyra Ayık discussed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on education.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), implemented by the UN, are a universal call to eradicate poverty, save the planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. In this line, the 17 goals tackle the universal needs holistically. Besides building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals, they address new priorities and areas, such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, and peace and justice.

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs

International Collaboration in Teaching Innovation: Psychology Around the World (PAW) Study Protocol

A paper titled “A paper titled “International collaboration in teaching innovation: Psychology Around the World (PAW) study protocol” have been presented at the International Conference of Teaching Innovation in Oviedo, Spain, between the dates of 24th-25th January 2022. What is more, it is planned to present the same paper in another upcoming conference, namely 8th International Conference on Higher Education. Thus, it will be a great opportunity to share the results of the project and understand inter-cultural sensitivities across countries.