Sustainability at AGU

Category: SDG 9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Sectoral Visit

Mondi A.Ş. Factory visit and training was organized.

Experience Sharing

Experience was shared on academic publishing.

SDG Training for Classroom Teachers

21 classroom teachers from Kayseri and neighboring provinces were given a 5-day training supported by Tübitak on the role and importance of SDG in education and how to deliver SDG education.

How to write TÜBİTAK project sunumu

Tübitak fund application processes were explained within the scope of the event. 

Academic Consultancy to University- Industry Cooperation Project

Professor Burak ASILISKENDER, Assoc. Prof. Vacide Betül KURTULUŞ and Lecturer Nihan MUŞ ÖZMEN have been decided to serve as academic consultant   within the framework of University-Industry cooperation signed between Mondi A.Ş. and Abdullah Gül University Technology Transfer Office A.Ş (AGU TTO) within the scope of the project & consultancy agreement on "Projects Realization within the Design Center and University-Industry Cooperation". .

Studies on four-dimensional printing and textile-based architectural components

Esra Kağıtcı Dede, who recently completed her master's degree, shared her studies on four-dimensional printing and textile-based architectural components with us as part of the “ARCD 203 Alternative Construction Methods” course.

Evaluation of the Urban Change/Transformation Concept in the Scope of the EU Green Deal

On 14.04.2022, the series of public educational seminars of Abdullah Gul University (AGU) continued with a publication on the theme of urban renewal. In the fourth seminar of the series, which was held live (online) from YouTube, Faculty of Architecture Faculty Member Dr. Ömer Devrim Aksoyak gave a seminar on ”Evaluation of the Concept of Urban Change/Transformation within the Scope of the EU Green Deal". Dr. Aksoyak explained the concepts of urban transformation/change at the seminar.Giving various examples of applications from the world and our country related to urban change and transformation processes, Dr. Aksoyak also touched upon the Green Memorandum, which is an important part of the European Union's strategy to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education

The Department of Architecture of Abdullah Gül University (AGU) and District Governorship of Avanos co-organized "Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education" at Avanos Güray Museum as part of the project "Düşyeri Avanos" (Dreamland Avanos).Prof. Burak Asiliskender, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Sinan Akyüz, and Dr. Sümeyra Ayık discussed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on education.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), implemented by the UN, are a universal call to eradicate poverty, save the planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. In this line, the 17 goals tackle the universal needs holistically. Besides building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals, they address new priorities and areas, such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, and peace and justice.

EE 4001 High-Freqeuency System Design Capsule Project

In regards of EE 4001 High-freqeuency system design capsule project four year students who took that course in AGU designed high frequency communication systems together with system parts. It is important for the students and AGU, since RF-microwave systems operating at high frequencies are cutting-edge technologies facilitated in important applications such as communication, radar systems, etc.

EKC2022: Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology

Dooyung HAH from Computer Engineering Department started to serve as a Program chair for an upcoming conference (EKC2022: Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology). The theme of the conference is "Pathways to Sustainability: The Role of Emerging Technologies". 

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs

Development of Models and Solution Methodologies for Tree-Shaped p-Hub Median and Capacitated p-Hub Median Problems

Our doctoral student Betül Kayışoğlu has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, entitled "Development of Models and Solution Methodologies for Tree-Shaped p-Hub Median and Capacitated p-Hub Median Problems". The application areas of the problems ‘multiple allocation tree of hubs location problem’ and ‘multiple allocation arc capacitated hub location problem’ that we study in this dissertation range from the optimization of fiber internet backbone to the exact configuration of the physical road network of the transportation networks of the cargo companies, from the improvement of computer or wireless communication networks to the establishment of smart electricity, water or gas distribution networks in the most efficient way, from efficient airway and railway transportation systems to smart public transportation systems with different transportation modes. These problems are directly applicable to a wide range of systems that serve to achieve two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely, ‘building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation’ and ‘making cities and human settlements inclusive, resilient and sustainable’. According to these two goals, it is utmost importance that urban and public transportation systems, gas, water and electricity distribution systems, and telecommunication network systems are smart, resilient and sustainable. Moreover, we propose a new modelling approach for these problems that allows us to use the structure of the real physical network directly in the formulation of the problems. This approach provides more flexibility in modeling several characteristics of real-life hub networks. The developed models will find more application areas because they better represent real life problems. Moreover, one main challenge arising in real-life applications is the problem size. Mostly it is not possible to solve them with the standard optimization softwares. However, we are able to solve large-size problems that arise in real life with our proposed solution methodologies. To sum up, the modelling approach and solution methodologies that we propose for our problems will help to achieve the goals of building resilient infrastructure, sustainable transportation systems, sustainable cities and human settlements.

Career Talks Series

Lecturer Dr. Serap Sap took part in the Career Talks series organized by the AGU Career office. As a MEB scholarship holder, she shared her experiences on master's and doctoral duration in England. Students who missed the event can access the event recording on AGU TV's youtube channel.

Internship Presentation

On 5 January, our students who did their internships presented their observations and experiences to our internship commission and faculty members.Students did internship in almost every field of Business Administration and then delivered their internship reports to our faculty members. Afterwards, they made their presentations in front of our internship commission and faculty members.