Sustainability at AGU

Gender, Women and the Precariat: Examples from Turkey

Category: Webinar, Started: 27.04.2022 Ended: 27.04.2022
Departments: Political Science and International Relations Persons: Çağlar Kurç

On April 27, 2022 at 15:30, Dr. Instructor Member Nazlı ŞENSES ÖZCAN gave a seminar titled “Gender, Women and the Precariat: Examples from Turkey”. The event was held online via the Zoom platform. The purpose of this presentation focuses on how the intersection of gender and migration dynamics creates different forms of precariat (flexible and precarious work) and the conceptual/theoretical implications of this intersection in understanding precariat. The spread of flexible and precarious working conditions contradicts the SDG8 target. As SDG8 states, it is aimed to protect workers' rights and to work in a safe environment. Flexible and insecure working conditions have a negative impact on human health, where the rights of workers are restricted, the stress of being fired is experienced at any time. Flexible and insecure working conditions adversely affect women and immigrants in particular, and constitute an obstacle to achieving SDG5 and SDG10 targets. For these reasons, understanding the precariat and examining how it affects different groups is one of the most important steps in removing barriers to SDG goals.