Sustainability at AGU

Category: SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities

Thinking Inequalities in Turkey through Capabilities

A speech was given about inequalities in Turkey. 

SDG Training for Classroom Teachers

21 classroom teachers from Kayseri and neighboring provinces were given a 5-day training supported by Tübitak on the role and importance of SDG in education and how to deliver SDG education.

Department and Career Preparation Vision Meeting

Dr. Faruk Güven, faculty member of the Department of Business Administration, met with the students studying in the Language School.Students were provided with a future projection and contributed to their vision and action in this direction.

Gender, Women and the Precariat: Examples from Turkey

On April 27, 2022 at 15:30, Dr. Instructor Member Nazlı ŞENSES ÖZCAN gave a seminar titled “Gender, Women and the Precariat: Examples from Turkey”. The event was held online via the Zoom platform. The purpose of this presentation focuses on how the intersection of gender and migration dynamics creates different forms of precariat (flexible and precarious work) and the conceptual/theoretical implications of this intersection in understanding precariat. The spread of flexible and precarious working conditions contradicts the SDG8 target. As SDG8 states, it is aimed to protect workers' rights and to work in a safe environment. Flexible and insecure working conditions have a negative impact on human health, where the rights of workers are restricted, the stress of being fired is experienced at any time. Flexible and insecure working conditions adversely affect women and immigrants in particular, and constitute an obstacle to achieving SDG5 and SDG10 targets. For these reasons, understanding the precariat and examining how it affects different groups is one of the most important steps in removing barriers to SDG goals.

Assignment as tournament referee for BILL JEAN KING CUP

Department of Bioengineering of our Faculty, Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail AKÇOK's request to be appointed as referee in the BILL JEAN KING CUP tournament to be held at Antalya Megasaray Tennis Academy between 11-16 April 2022, in accordance with Article 29 of the 3289 Law on the Organization and Duties of the General Directorate of Sports, has been accepted.

Dream Toy

As AGÜ Design Club, an educational event was held at the Model Factory Creative Hub under the name of 'Dream Toy' to help children achieve their dreams.

Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education

The Department of Architecture of Abdullah Gül University (AGU) and District Governorship of Avanos co-organized "Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals in Education" at Avanos Güray Museum as part of the project "Düşyeri Avanos" (Dreamland Avanos).Prof. Burak Asiliskender, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Sinan Akyüz, and Dr. Sümeyra Ayık discussed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on education.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), implemented by the UN, are a universal call to eradicate poverty, save the planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. In this line, the 17 goals tackle the universal needs holistically. Besides building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals, they address new priorities and areas, such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, and peace and justice.

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs

Students' thesis topics related to SDGs